About Us


Welcome to LET THEM STIM- Your Destination for Adult Sensory Products

Toni Royaal, an AuDHD nurse with a passion for serving the Neurodivergent community, is the driving force behind LET THEM STIM.

LET THEM STIM was born out of Toni's personal journey living with undiagnosed ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder. After being diagnosed as neurodivergent as an adult, she recognized the need for discreet and professional sensory tools. In her own experience working in healthcare, Toni found that most professional settings were not sensory-friendly, making it challenging for neurodivergent individuals to self-regulate when faced with sensory overload. The act of self-stimulating, or "stimming," is crucial for neurodivergent individuals to cope with sensory challenges. LET THEM STIM aims to be a supportive source of discreet stim toys and sensory tools designed for adults and to integrate these products into everyday settings.

With a decade of experience in healthcare as a Pediatric and Public Health nurse, Toni has the skills, passion for learning, and commitment to LET THEM STIM's mission of promoting sensory wellness and inclusivity. Her personal journey as a neurodivergent individual and the mother to neurodivergent children informs her commitment to the LET THEM STIM's mission.

Toni's leadership ensures that LET THEM STIM provides high-quality sensory products and a welcoming community to support neurodivergent individuals of all ages. Her unique blend of healthcare expertise, personal experience, and dedication to advocacy positions LET THEM STIM as a trusted and compassionate resource.